An activity that associates multiple activities with the OR condition (non-exclusive / exclusive). Successful completion of one or more of the associated activities will trigger the exit of this AgileShape.
In the Exclusive mode, this shape is useful for cancelling a route in a parallel flow situation.
Configuration Dialog
Configuration dialog is only available when the Exclusive property is set to True.
Exclusive OR
Consider this example process extract:
The dialog would show the following:
Field Name / Button | Definition |
Nearest Incoming Activities | ReadOnly Automatically lists all direct predecessors here. When the OR AgileShape is entered via one of these, the other one is automatically Cancelled if it was active at the time. |
Other Predecessor Activities | Here it is possible to select any other predecessors to be Cancelled when OR AgileShape is entered. It is necessary to also select the corresponding Cancel Manual Tasks and/or Stop System Tasks to enable cancellation of the selection. |
Cancel Manual Tasks | When selected, any manual activities selected in the Other Predecessor Activities listbox are cancelled when process enters the OR AgileShape. |
Stop System Tasks | When selected, any automatic activities selected in the Other Predecessor Activities listbox are cancelled when process enters the OR AgileShape. |
NOTE: If none of the checkboxes are selected, this shape behaves as if the Exclusive property was set to False. If only Cancel Manual Tasks is checked, the manual tasks will be cancelled (nearest incoming and other predecessor activities), and in case of Stop System Tasks, both the nearest incoming activities and other predecessor that fit the category will be stopped.
Shape-Specific Properties
Property | Description |
Configuration | |
NOTE: Configuration is only available when Exclusive property is set to True Opens the Select Exclusive Predecessor Activities dialog box, to configure whether the activities in the parallel process flow will continue to process or be cancelled once one of the process flows enters this AgileShape | |
Exclusive | Exclusive |
Other Common Properties
All shapes have many other common properties. Look them up here: Common Poperties