Schema Generic variables

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Name Description
ActivityName Gets the name of current activity.
ActivityParticipantFullNames Gets the full name of current activity.
ActivityParticipantUserNames Gets the name of all participants.
CurrentDate Gets the server current date. Its an UTC date in ISO-8601 format.
Sample value: 2019-09-18T12:55:45Z
HomeDirectory Gets the home directory of Process server instance.
ProcessID Gets the process instance ID of current process.
Sample value: edb3529f13dae911826d0050562195fa
ParentProcessID When process instance is a subprocess, return the parent process ID.
ProcessInitiator Gets the user name thats has initiate the current process instance.
Sample value: DOMAIN\UserName
ProcessInitiatorLocation Gets the machine name since process instance have been launched.
Sample value: machinename
ProcessInitiatorCDSId Gets the CRM/CDS user ID of user that has initiate the current process instance.
Sample value:edb4425f13dae911826d0050562195fa
ProcessInstanceID Returs the instance ID of current proccess instance.
Sample value: edb3529f13dae911826d0050562195fa
ProcessInstanceName Gets the instance name of current process instance.
ProcessName The process instance name of current process instance.
ProcessStartedDate The process started date of current process instance.Its an UTC date in ISO-8601 format.
Sample value: 2019-09-18T12:55:44Z
ProcessTemplateID Gets the process template ID of current process instance..
Sample value: edb3529f13dae911826d0050562195fa
ProcessTemplateName Gets the name of process template of current process instance.
ProcessTemplateVersion Gets the version number of process template of current process instance.
TaskAssignedDate Gets the data when current task was assigned
TaskDueDate Return the due date of current date. Its an UTC date in ISO-8601 format.
Sample value:**
TaskID Return the ID of the current Task.
TaskName Resturns the name of current Task.
TaskParticipantFullName Gets the full name of current task participant
TaskParticipantUserName Gets the user name of current task participant
Session Gets the session value for current activity. Each time activity is executed this number is ingeased.
SystemUserEmailAddress Gets the email address of system user.
Sample value:
SystemUserName Gets the name of system user.
Sample value:DOMAIN\UserName
WorkItemID Gets the current workitem ID.
Sample value:826D0050562195FA1199DA139CD1AFBF
CrmBeId This is the record id of the main entity.
Sample value:**
CrmBeType This is the type of the process main entity, for example account or incident.
organizationname This is the name of the CRM organization that the process record belongs to.
userlcid This is used lcid for AgileDialogs process template.
DialogTaskCRMActivityId If part of Dialog Activity, this property holds the CRM Activity ID that launched the current dialog instance.

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