Generic Activity

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Generic Activity

This shape can create any type of activity in CRM, and is particulary suited for use with custom activity types.

NOTE: The chosen Activity Type should have previously been Enabled in AgileXRM Administration.

When the activity is Marked as Completed, the process flow continues.

This shape can optionally have a Page Form. This permits creating activity-based forms, which have all the fields necessary for carrying out this task by the user.

Apart from the Subject (subject) and TaskDescription (description) fields, the other fields in the activity, including any custom fields, can be updated using the ActivityProperties property.


The property ConfigureParticipants allows to set the Activity owner and (optionally) assign the activity to a queue, just clicking on the ellipsis button.

To see full configuration navigate to the Participants detailed section.

Shape-Specific Properties

Property Description
ActivityProperties Activity Properties
AfterSubmitAction After Submit Action
EmbededHeight Embeded Height
ExistingActivityId Existing Activity Id
PageForm Page Form
RegardingEntityID Regarding Entity ID
RegardingEntityType Regarding Entity Type
SaveCrmActivityIdTo [DEPRECATED] Save CRM Activity Id To
SaveCrmActivityFieldsTo Save CRM Activity Fields To
Subject Subject
TaskDescription Task Description

Other Common Properties

All shapes have many other common properties. Look them up here: Common Poperties


See Actions

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